Friday, February 05, 2016

Be Mindful of Your Feelings

If you’re looking for an understanding and sympathetic ear, you’ve found one. I feel like I've been through my fair share of heartache and pain and can be an empathetic listener. I'm happy to share my life experiences, with hope they provide inspiration and empowerment to others.

Follow my story and you will witness the transformation of a woman who came close to losing all hope, to one who has had her hope restored. I was heartbroken, but I persevered through the pain. I discovered a strength of character, which had been developing in me for almost two decades, as I journeyed through a dysfunctional relationship.

One of the things I learned throughout my ordeal is the importance of acknowledging your feelings. I believe this is key to reclaiming yourself. Be mindful of whether or not you are happy. If you are unhappy, think about why.

Blow off steam by incorporating exercise into your daily routine. It is scientifically proven to help allieviate depression and anxiety. Go for a walk or hit the gym. This can help you process your thoughts, relax and reduce your stress levels.

Don't keep your troubled thoughts to yourself. Talk about them to a trusted friend or family member. They can help you brainstorm ways to improve your situation or simply listen to you vent.

If you're too embarrassed or ashamed to ask for help or talk to a family member or friend, make an appointment with a health care professional. Sometimes just being able to talk to an unbiased third-party will help you to sort out your thoughts.

One thing for sure, sharing your burdens will definitely lighten the load. Remember, you're not alone.

Warm regards,


  1. I definitely agree that being aware of your feelings is very important!

    1. Thanks for commenting Katie. It's amazing how often and how long we sometimes deny ourselves from feeling our emotions. Take care :)

  2. Hi Stephanie,

    I definitely agree going to the gym is a good way to blow of steam, stress or anxiety. I have someone very close to me that doesn't like to share their feelings and more times than not, it gets the best of them. Being able to talk about things is definitely a great tool to help work through it, but can be hard for people to open up and feel comfortable about it.

    Maybe include a post about ways to work past awkwardness and to be able to be more open to talking!

    Great post.

    1. Thanks for your comments and your topic suggestion Katherine. What holds us back from confiding in others is definitely worth further exploration. I'll do my best to address this in a future blog.

  3. Yes, you are right that sometimes gym helps a lot in reducing stress or depression from your life..

    1. Going for a walk is a nice way to decompress, especially after a busy day. Thanks for commenting AK.
