Sunday, February 28, 2016

How Do You Cope with a Busy Schedule?

Life can be overwhelming. I don't know about you, but sometimes I feel like I'm being pulled in several directions at once and find it difficult to cope.

We are often juggling many demands. These can be placed on us by our children, partners, bosses, teachers, parents, friends, and even ourselves. Add one more stressor to the rotation and the delicate balance can easily be disrupted.

What can we do to ensure we don't drop any balls or lose ourselves in the process? I have come up with a few pointers to help manage a busy schedule and stay productive without becoming run down.

Some demands require immediate attention, like the needs and well-being of your family, while others have less significance when compared to your overall purpose and therefore may have to be postponed or abandoned.

You can't be or do everything for everyone. It's okay to include "no" in your vocabulary. I think the people in your life who really care about you wouldn't want you to say yes to them, if they knew you were already struggling to manage a crazy schedule.

If you don't look out for #1, no one else will. Without taking the time to make sure your own needs are met, you will eventually burn out. Don't feel guilty about taking care of yourself because if you're not well, you'll have nothing left to give others.

As a self-employed, divorced single mom of three, dog owner and full-time student in a long-distance relationship, my time and energy is spread pretty thin. If you'd like to share your tips or ideas on how to successfully manage a busy schedule, I'd love to hear them. Please feel free to leave a comment.

Kind regards,


  1. I like your point about practicing self-care. It's funny but when you're so busy and caught up in doing things for others, you tend to forget about yourself and how you can keep yourself happy. Great post, lots of solid tips!

    1. Thanks for your feedback Nathaniel. If you follow the hyperlink attached to "taking care of yourself" it will take you to an excellent Ted Talk by Guy Winch. I didn't learn the importance of emotional hygeine until I was in my 30s. I'm glad to hear, as a man in your 20s, you get the point now. All the best, Stephanie

  2. This was an excellent blog! Sometimes people forget just how important it is to take care of themselves first.

    1. Thanks A/E :) Personally, it was a lesson that took me a very long time to learn.

  3. Thank you for the great tips! I often find myself neglecting the "self-care" part, but if someone as busy as you can do it, I can get better as well. You are quite an inspirational person, Stephanie!

    1. Thanks for your kind comments and support Phil.

  4. You are a true "Super Mom"! Awesome Steph.

  5. Haha, saying 'no'! Easiest, yet hardest thing to actually do. I always like to do it all, so saying no is something I struggle with. Definitely something I need to work on in the future!

    1. Right. It seems easy, but it's not always that simple. Practice this now while you're young and you'll have it perfected by the time you're my age:)

  6. It looks like I just found my answer to the problems I'm facing. It's hard to say no and at the same time prioritize things in life. However, I'm sure I'd be able to do with your tips.

    1. Best wishes to you Jay. Maybe these tips are not too late to help as we wrap up our last few projects. Take Care, Steph

  7. I totally agree with your point of self care and I learned lots of tips too.

    1. Thanks Yash. Glad it was helpful to you.

  8. I am not as busy as you, but yes, I got some of the solutions for future when I will be busy like hell and have to prioritize things, say no and definitely have to take safe care. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    1. If you master these skills now Omkar, your life will be a lot easier. Best of luck as you head into your internship :)

  9. This post speaks to me to an insane degree. From not taking care of self to extreme difficulties in saying no, I've got a lot to work on.

    1. Hi Jamie, I often say I'm under construction. Life is a journey of personal growth and development. I hope these tips help you achieve work/life balance.

  10. Got the same problem.. Sometimes it's very difficult to find work-study-personal life balance. I support the idea of prioritizing the most important things. Thank you for suggestions!

    1. You're welcome Liubomyr. Thanks for commenting.
